
  • Wijdan Raham Khudhair University of Sumer - lraq


Diplomat, international responsibility, United Nations, international conventions, international terrorism, diplomatic missions


The diplomatic employee's work is the most important  of works on the international level, Whether or time of international peace or war, And if this employee went through several stages and happened to the fact that the world is developing in relations and agreements according to the general international law, And the diplomat’s staff is still fraught with various dangers, Therefore, the United Nations has endeavored, since its foundation, to protect it through private and public treaties and agreements, Which included the rights and privileges of me as a diplomat’s employee, However, the employee, and with the development of the concept of international terrorism, was exposed to many risks and threats, It is through this study to define the concept of this employee and the protection that states and international personalities take.


First: books

- Ahmed Ibrahim Mohamed, Diplomacy, Center for Political and Strategic Studies, Cairo 2000

- Raed Rahim Muhammad al-Shaibani, The Raising of the Important Diplomatic Envoy as stipulated in the Vienna Agreement on Diplomatic Relations, Human Rights Publications, Beirut, 2014

- Suhail Hussein Al-Fatlawi, Diplomacy between Theory and Practice, 3rd Edition, House of Culture, Amman, 2003

- Suhail Hussein Al-Fatlawi, Diplomatic Law, House of Culture, Amman, 2010

- Abdulaziz Al-Nasser Obeikan, Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges, Riyadh, 2007

- Ghazi Hussein, Contemporary Diplomacy, Majdalai Publishing House, Amman, 2002

- Qassem Khudair Abbas, The Primary Principles of Diplomatic Law, Dar Al-Rafidain, Beirut, 2009

- Munira Abu Bakr Muhammad, The Links between Diplomatic and Consular Relations, Al-Halabi Human Rights Publications, Beirut 2013

- Hani Al-Reda, Diplomacy, its history, its laws, its origins, Dar Al-Manhal, Beirut, 1997

Second: the periodicals

- Amal Al-Bazji, International Humanitarian Law and the Law of Armed Conflict between Theory and Reality, Damascus University Journal of Economic and Legal Sciences, Majd 20, Issue 1, 2004

- Osama Suleiman, International Protection Diplomatic Envoys during Armed Conflicts, Damascus University for Economic and Legal Sciences, Volume 27, Fourth Issue, year 2011

Third: Messages and Subtraction

- Alaa Muhammad Rahim, Social Repercussions of Armed Conflict, War on Women, Ph.D. thesis submitted to the Sociology Department at the College of Arts, University of Baghdad in 2013

- Khalil Ahmad Khalil Al-Obaidi, Protection of Civilians in International Armed Conflicts in International Humanitarian Law and Islamic Law, Ph.D. thesis submitted to St. Clement International University, 2008

Fourth: International treaties and agreements

- (1977 Protocol) I additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949

- Vienna Agreement on Diplomatic Relations 1961

- The Geneva Convention of 1949

Fifth: websites

- 8

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- https: //




How to Cite

Wijdan Raham Khudhair. (2021). THE ROLE OF THE UNITED NATIONS IN PROTECTING THE DIPLOMATIC AGENT. World Bulletin of Management and Law, 4, 30-38. Retrieved from


