
  • Sri Isnani Setiyaningsih Languistics Lecturer at UIN Walisongo
  • Ahmad Muthohar Islamic Thought and Philosophy at UIN Walisongo
  • Darul Qutni Arabic Education Lecturer at Unnes Semarang


Anti-Corruption Watch, System and Management against Corruption, Higher Education Contribution


This research examines the system and management of anti-corruption monitoring implemented by PUKAT (Pusat Kajian Anti Korupsi) at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. PUKAT, as an anti-corruption organisation in higher education, has achieved remarkable success in monitoring court cases related to corruption and bribery. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of PUKAT's efforts and explore its impact on higher education and society. In the context of the pervasive problem of corruption in Indonesia, PUKAT's experience in controlling and monitoring judicial proceedings represents a proactive contribution to problem-solving at the state level. This research, which uses an ex post facto survey method coupled with in-depth interviews and observations, seeks to provide insights into PUKAT's system and management strategies


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How to Cite

Sri Isnani Setiyaningsih, Ahmad Muthohar, & Darul Qutni. (2023). PROACTIVE STRATEGY AGAINST CORRUPTION: (A REVIEW OF THE MANAGEMENT OF PUKAT UGM YOGYAKARTA). World Bulletin of Management and Law, 29, 14-23. Retrieved from


