
  • Professor E.S. Djumabaev Andijan State Medical Institute Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Mirzaev K.K Andijan State Medical Institute Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Djumabaeva S.E Andijan State Medical Institute Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Saidkhodjaeva D.G Andijan State Medical Institute Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Pakirdinov A.S Andijan State Medical Institute Republic of Uzbekistan


Military-urban surgery, gunshot wounds of extremities, regional lymphatic therapy


Optimization of tactics for the treatment of gunshot bullet wounds of the extremities in the conditions of military-urban surgery


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How to Cite

Professor E.S. Djumabaev, Mirzaev K.K, Djumabaeva S.E, Saidkhodjaeva D.G, & Pakirdinov A.S. (2022). TACTICS OF TREATMENT OF GUNSHOT WOUNDS OF THE LIMB IN CONDITIONS OF MILITARY CITY SURGERY. World Bulletin of Public Health, 15, 67-78. Retrieved from https://scholarexpress.net/index.php/wbph/article/view/1503




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