Congenital defect, epispadias, diastasisAbstract
Today, 11.3% of newborns are born with various deviations from the norm of development, and more than 40% of them are caused by insufficiency and anomalies of the organs of the genitourinary system (Yu.F. Isakov, 1984; 1997; 2004: G.A. Bairov 1999; 2001 and etc.). Among them, deviations from the norm complicated by urinary incontinence account for 8.0%. Complex treatment of developmental defects caused by urinary incontinence in children has long attracted the attention of practicing surgeons. and today it is one of the most pressing problems of pediatric surgery (N.E. Savchenko, ed. 1976: A.E. Rusakov 1998; Yu. Beknazarov 2004, etc.).
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