
  • Sirojiddinov Asliddin Abduvahidjon ugli Third- year student of the Gulistan State University Faculty of production Department of technology of storage and primary processing of agricultural products
  • Zafarova Nozimakhon Khushyorjon qizi First-year student of the Gulistan State University Department of technology of storage and primary processing of agricultural products


Carrot, minerals, method, quality


Carrots have a rich chemical composition, due to which they can have a regulatory effect on the metabolism in the human body. Carrots contain proteins and carbohydrates. The content of carbohydrates increases depending on the degree of ripening of the root crop. This vegetable contains little cellulose, so carrots can be used in dietary nutrition. The vegetable is rich in vitamins (B1, B2, B6, C) and minerals (potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, etc.). It contains a lot of carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body


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How to Cite

Sirojiddinov Asliddin Abduvahidjon ugli, & Zafarova Nozimakhon Khushyorjon qizi. (2022). CARROT DRYING TECHNOLOGY. World Bulletin of Social Sciences, 9, 79-81. Retrieved from


